April 29 & 30 at the Waterside Inn, Port Credit. 11am till 5pm both Saturday and Sunday.
Come and see me and my work, including my paintings with doors.

April 29 & 30 at the Waterside Inn, Port Credit. 11am till 5pm both Saturday and Sunday.
Come and see me and my work, including my paintings with doors.
Go to the Arts On The Credit website for more information and a map of the locations in Port Credit. Come and see me and my new work.
2022 ARTS DRIVE – Saturday, September 24th, 11 – 5
12″ Acrylic on circular board.
COVID-19 means no fall show this year, so Arts on the Credit has a new virtual gallery you can view in your browser. We would love to have you pay us a visit.
Please stay safe during this trying time.
Come and see me at this wonderful new event. I will be debuting my range of upcycled jackets.
Arts On The Credit Tour, September 14th and 15. 30 plus artists at 7 locations in Port Credit. This is a free show where you can walk from between the locations.
See www.artsonthercredit.ca for details on locations.
I’ll be at Clarke Hall for the whole show. 191 Lakeshore Rd West. I look forward to seeing you!
In little more than 2 weeks Arts on the Credit opens its 8th fine art show at the Waterside Inn, Port Credit, April 26 – 28. Join the opening night festivities to be among the first visitors to discover the treasures on hand and enjoy a glass of wine, some very tasty hors d’oeuvres and live jazz. Can’t imagine a better way to spend a Friday evening!!
Check out our website for discounted tickets artsonthecredit.ca $30. at the door
Saturday, April 27th & Sunday, April 28th tickets at a bit of a saving are also available through our website or $8. at the door.
Hope to see many of you at the show.